South Jersey LGBT Discrimination Lawyers
Advocating for LGBT Individuals in the Workplace
Americans in the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community (LGBT) have fought for and won many rights in the past few years. While individuals in the LGBT community and their allies have made progress, much remains to be accomplished. Lesbian and gay workers still face harassment in the workplace, while transgender workers seek accommodations, and bisexual workers fight for visibility. The road to equal rights and representation in the workplace is indeed a long one, but the goal can be met with proper litigation.
South Jersey LGBT discrimination lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates are staunch allies of the LGBT community and have represented, defended, and won compensation for LGBT individuals affected by workplace discrimination, wrongful termination, and workplace violence.
Common Instances of LGBT Discrimination
Individuals facing LGBT discrimination in New Jersey may have experienced:
- Exclusionary practices based on their sexuality– Individuals who are denied promotions or increased responsibilities due to the fact that they are LGBT lose out on numerous opportunities for advancement.
- Insensitive or insulting remarks meant to be jokes– Coworkers or employers who make insulting or demeaning remarks under the guise of jokes create a hostile work environment for LGBT employees.
- Denial to use restrooms that correspond with gender identity– Transgender individuals forced to use a restroom opposite to their gender identity may be vulnerable to harassment or even violence. If this was a result of an employer’s denial to use a proper restroom, they may be held liable.
- Being discriminated against based on one’s gender expression– Individuals are entitled to dress, speak, and use mannerisms in accordance with their gender identity. Any criticism or retaliation based on this is could be considered discriminatory.
- Being retaliated against after coming out– LGBT employees who choose to open up about their sexuality in the workplace may find themselves subject to changed attitudes or behaviors from coworkers or employers that may be discriminatory.
- Invasion of privacy– Many LGBT individuals prefer to keep their sexuality separate from their work. When this information is spread throughout the workplace without their consent, it may make them vulnerable to discrimination.
Why Every Case Matters
While the very density at which LGBT discrimination cases occur can be disheartening, every successful ruling is a step in the right direction, as it not only spreads awareness of LGBT employment issues, but shows that LGBT people are entitled to the same rights as any other American. LGBT workers who face discrimination at work should not be afraid to speak out about it. Many times, employers or coworkers will claim that they were ‘unaware’ that such behavior was inappropriate or exclusionary. South Jersey LGBT discrimination lawyers state that, regardless of whatever coworkers or employers claim their intent was, an LGBT worker deserves to be free from a hostile work environment.
Cherry Hill Employment Lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates Represent Workers Facing Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity
If you or a loved one has faced workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, you are urged to contact South Jersey LGBT discrimination lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates. Our passionate, dedicated lawyers are all staunch allies for members of the LGBT community, and will work tirelessly to win the maximum amount of compensation allowable to those affected by hostile work environments. Call us at 215-569-1999 for a free consultation, or contact us online. We serve clients throughout South Jersey, including Burlington County, Gloucester County, Camden County, Salem County, Cumberland County, and Atlantic County.